Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pickles, Pickles, Pickles, Oh My!

C and I spent an entire day making Bread and Butter Pickles with cucumbers from our garden. We peeled little pearl onions and cut up cauliflower. She had fun stirring the pickles while I got the bottles ready. Yum! Yum!


Whimsy said...

Mmmmm pickles.

Didn't you already make some of these at mom's?

Methinks you might have a PICKLE PROBLEM.

Whimsy said...

Ohhhh and just because I am lazy (instead of emailing you): Did D really make a "pointy cat" for Bean? That's so sweet of her! I am wondering what a pointy cat is... but it sounds quite, um, POINTY (ha ha).

Also: I'll post instructions on a taggie How To on my blog soon.

Amanda said...

I had no idea you had a blog!! So do I!! :) So bread and butter pickles are the best!! Yummy!